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mechanic replacing brake pads

Brake Service

Ensuring your vehicle’s brakes are in optimal condition is vital for your safety and the safety of others on the road. At Fratton Autocentre, we offer comprehensive brake services designed to maintain and improve your vehicle’s braking performance.

What’s Included in Our Brake Service:

  1. Brake Inspection:
    • Visual Inspection: Thorough inspection of brake pads, rotors, and calipers to assess wear and damage.
    • Brake Fluid Check: Checking the brake fluid level and quality, topping up or replacing it as needed.
  2. Brake Pad Replacement:
    • High-Quality Brake Pads: Using premium brake pads suitable for your vehicle to ensure effective braking.
    • Installation: Professional installation of new brake pads, ensuring they are fitted correctly for optimal performance.
  3. Brake Rotor Service:
    • Rotor Inspection: Checking rotors for wear, warping, or damage.
    • Resurfacing or Replacement: Resurfacing rotors if possible, or replacing them if they are too worn or damaged.
  4. Brake Caliper Service:
    • Caliper Inspection: Ensuring calipers are functioning correctly and not sticking or leaking.
    • Cleaning and Lubrication: Cleaning caliper components and applying lubrication to ensure smooth operation.
  5. Brake Fluid Service:
    • Brake Fluid Replacement: Flushing and replacing old brake fluid to ensure effective braking and prevent corrosion in the brake system.
    • System Bleeding: Bleeding the brake system to remove any air bubbles, ensuring a firm and responsive brake pedal.
  6. Brake Line Inspection:
    • Line Check: Inspecting brake lines for any signs of leaks, cracks, or damage.
    • Replacement: Replacing damaged or worn brake lines to maintain brake system integrity.

Benefits of Regular Brake Service:

  • Enhanced Safety: Ensures your brakes are functioning effectively, providing reliable stopping power.
  • Improved Performance: Well-maintained brakes improve overall vehicle handling and performance.
  • Extended Component Life: Regular maintenance helps extend the life of your brake components, saving you money in the long run.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Early detection and repair of brake issues can prevent more serious and costly problems.

Why Choose Fratton Autocentre?

  • Experienced Technicians: Our team of qualified technicians uses the latest tools and techniques to service your brakes accurately.
  • Quality Parts: We use high-quality brake components to ensure durability and reliability.
  • Transparent Pricing: Clear, honest pricing with no hidden costs. We keep you informed throughout the service process.
  • Customer Focused: We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and ensuring your complete satisfaction.

For safe and reliable braking, trust Fratton Autocentre’s expert brake service. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about how we can keep your vehicle’s brakes in top condition.


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