From £39.95


Mot technician writing a report after testing a car for mot

What is an MOT?

An MOT is a mandatory annual test that is conducted to ensure the safety, roadworthiness, and environmental standards of vehicles in the United Kingdom. It stands for Ministry of Transport, which was the government department responsible for the test when it was first introduced in 1960. Nowadays, the test is conducted by authorised testing centres.

Do I need to book an MOT test?

Yes, you need to book an MOT test for your vehicle. It is a legal requirement for most vehicles in the UK to have a valid MOT certificate. The test needs to be conducted annually once your vehicle turns three years old. Without a valid MOT certificate, you are not allowed to drive your vehicle on public roads, and you may be fined if caught.

How much does an MOT cost?

The cost of an MOT test can vary depending on the testing centre and the type of vehicle you own. However, the maximum fee that can be charged for a car is set by the government and currently stands at £54.85. Keep in mind that this fee only covers the cost of the test itself, and any repairs or replacements required to pass the test will incur additional charges.

Book an MOT near you in Portsmouth, online with Fratton Autocentre

If you are looking to book an MOT test near you, Fratton Autocentre offers convenient online booking services. Fratton Autocentre is an authorised testing centre with experienced technicians who can conduct the MOT test for your vehicle.

Booking an MOT test with Fratton Autocentre is quick and easy. Simply visit their website and navigate to the MOT booking section. You will be prompted to enter your vehicle details, preferred date and time for the test, and any additional services you may require. Once you have provided all the necessary information, you can proceed to confirm your booking.

By booking your MOT test online with Fratton Autocentre, you can save time and avoid the hassle of calling or visiting the testing center in person. The online booking system allows you to choose a date and time that is convenient for you, ensuring minimal disruption to your schedule.

Furthermore, Fratton Autocentre is known for its reliable and professional service. Their technicians have extensive knowledge and experience in conducting MOT tests, and they adhere to the highest standards of quality and safety. You can trust that your vehicle will be thoroughly inspected and assessed during the test.

So, if your vehicle is due for an MOT test, don’t delay. Book your MOT test online with Fratton Autocentre today and ensure that your vehicle meets the necessary safety and environmental standards.

Here are some of the key areas that are checked during an MOT test:

  1. Vehicle Identification: The technician will verify the vehicle’s registration number, VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), and other relevant details.
  2. Lights and Signals: The functionality of all lights, including headlights, indicators, brake lights, and hazard lights, will be tested.
  3. Steering and Suspension: The technician will inspect the steering system, including the condition of the steering wheel, column, and rack. They will also check the suspension components for wear and tear.
  4. Brakes: The braking system, including the brake pads, discs, drums, and ABS (Anti-lock Braking System), will be inspected for effectiveness and condition.
  5. Wheels and Tires: The condition and tread depth of the tires, as well as the overall condition of the wheels, will be assessed.
  6. Exhaust and Emissions: The exhaust system will be checked for leaks and excessive emissions, ensuring compliance with environmental standards.
  7. Seatbelts and Seats: The seatbelts will be inspected for proper functionality, and the condition of the seats will be assessed.
  8. Body and Vehicle Structure: The overall condition of the vehicle’s body, including the doors, mirrors, and chassis, will be examined.

If any issues or faults are identified during the MOT test, they will be recorded, and you will be informed of the necessary repairs or replacements to bring your vehicle up to the required standards.

Book Your MOT Test Online

Schedule your MOT test conveniently online. Enjoy secure payment options for a hassle-free experience.

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